
Showing posts from September, 2017

Top Ten Solar Panel Manufacturers in India

Top Ten Solar Panel Manufacturers in India- With rising costs of electricity reduction prices of solar PV Panels and lots of Government policy support, buying a Solar PV system has become very lucrative in many parts of India. The interest in buying Solar PV is increasing. However, there is still some lack of awareness about technology, brands and prices among the consumers in the country. We have created several pages on this blog to create awareness about the technology and in continuation of the same, below is the list of top ten solar panel brands available in India. Please note that there is both India as well as International brands of Solar Panels in India.  If you are looking for subsidy( Link ) on your solar project then you have to go for a brand that is made in India. Some International brands are selling really high-quality Solar Panels in India, but if you consider some of the top brands in India, then they are quite comparable in quality to the Intern

Big vs. Local Solar Installer

By: Mr. Ranveer Yadav M.Sc.( Renewable Energy )                          Lucknow University Email ID: Solar Installer : Big vs. Local BIG NAME COMPANY LOCAL CONTRACTOR FINANCING A big, national solar company might be best for you if: You plan to lease your system. Most large installers offer leasing options or Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). These options make solar affordable and accessible for more people. Large installers are able to offer consumers these options because of their sheer size and capital. Small, local solar installer might be the best choice if: You’re buying or getting a loan for your solar system. Being able to take full advantage of tax exemptions, credits, and other solar incentives is a benefit to buying or financing the system. Solar Expert with SUN Works fully supports consumers buying or getting a loan to purchase the solar system

Ask 10 Questions to Your Installer Before Selecting for Solar Installation

10 Questions to Ask Your Installer No homeowner would ever let a total stranger renovate their home. To feel a certain level of comfort and security with the contractor, consumers are entitled to ask as many questions as necessary before committing. For contractors, being interviewed and evaluated is just part of the job and helps prevent complications down the road. 1. How many grid-tied solar systems have you installed? Solar expert notes that choosing a contractor with a solid track record of experience and installations is critical. Ensuring the contractor is financially viable means they will be around when you have a problem. 2. Can you show me similar systems you’ve installed? Seeing first-hand the type of systems the contractor has installed can also help inform you on the quality of their workmanship. Related client testimonials can also help increase your comfort level. 3. Will you handle permit, rebate and tax incentive paperwork? Ideally, the contractor


Solar Power industry in India is gaining more and more prominence with each passing day. The domestic/off-grid industry is picking up speed too. Owing to the queries we are receiving regarding the various issues pertaining to Solar Power Plant setup, we thought it would be a great idea to put together a bunch of questions and answer the same. We shall keeping adding to the list as we keep receiving more queries. So, here are the most Frequently Asked Questions and our answers for the same. Do let us know in case you would like us to answer any more questions. Also, kindly point out any inaccuracies/mistakes that you may find here so that we can correct the same for the benefit of everyone. We have tried our best to provide the best and most accurate information. However, inputs or responses to questions from other industry experts are encouraged and extremely appreciated. 1.General How much land is required to setup a 1MW solar power generation Unit ? T