Ask 10 Questions to Your Installer Before Selecting for Solar Installation

10 Questions to Ask Your Installer
No homeowner would ever let a total stranger renovate their home. To feel a certain level of comfort and security with the contractor, consumers are entitled to ask as many questions as necessary before committing. For contractors, being interviewed and evaluated is just part of the job and helps prevent complications down the road.
1. How many grid-tied solar systems have you installed?
Solar expert notes that choosing a contractor with a solid track record of experience and installations is critical. Ensuring the contractor is financially viable means they will be around when you have a problem.
2. Can you show me similar systems you’ve installed?
Seeing first-hand the type of systems the contractor has installed can also help inform you on the quality of their workmanship. Related client testimonials can also help increase your comfort level.
3. Will you handle permit, rebate and tax incentive paperwork?
Ideally, the contractor will assume these duties. However, filing paperwork and reviewing complicated documents can equal extra expenses for the contractor. Establish whether the homeowner or contractor will be responsible for these necessary activities.
4. Are you MNRE certified?
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy or MNRE is the nodal Ministry of the Government of India for all matters relating to new and renewable energy. The broad aim of the ministry is to develop and deploy new and renewable energy for supplementing the energy requirements of the country MNRE providing MNRE's channel partner certification to the companies, as practitioners meet the highest standards and quality of works.
5. Are you licensed, insured, bonded?
Contractors typically must have a license to perform skilled labor on a person’s home. To become licensed, some states require the contractor to be bonded, protecting against shoddy workmanship. Liability insurance will cover contractor-caused damage.
6. Do you have experience getting permits for solar in my area?
Some cities have standard forms, caps on fees, and a streamlined review process. Other communities are not so fortunate. A knowledgeable contractor will be able to assess the time and money permitting will require.
7. Do you offer system monitoring?
Various factors can negatively impact energy output, resulting in lost savings for homeowners. Monitoring systems accessible remotely via the Internet and are an easy way to ensure that your system is working at full capacity.
8. What type of equipment will you install?
A contractor might be offering the lowest price but at what cost? To save on installation expenses, contractors might be using cheaper, lower-quality panels or racking systems. Solar contractor experts , notes that consumers should be investing in the highest quality panel they can afford because, in the long run, a less efficient panel or design can significantly decrease energy output and the systems long-term return on investment.
9. What kind of warranty do you offer?
Compare between contractors to ensure the warranty offered is reasonable and feasible. Knowing a company’s history can help you predict whether or not the contractor will be around in the future when an issue arises. Solar's experts also notes that manufacturer warranties on panels can cover workmanship and/or production and it is important to know the difference.
10. Do you subcontract any part of the installation?
Most large installers use certified subcontractors to complete an installation project. These sub contractors need to be accredited. Homeowners can research which local installers the company uses before signing a contract.                 

BY: Mr. Ranveer Yadav

M.Sc. ( Renewable Energy )
Lucknow University 
Email ID:


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