Big vs. Local Solar Installer

By: Mr. Ranveer Yadav

M.Sc.( Renewable Energy )                         
Lucknow University
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Solar Installer : Big vs. Local

A big, national solar company might be best for you if:
You plan to lease your system.
Most large installers offer leasing options or Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). These options make solar affordable and accessible for more people. Large installers are able to offer consumers these options because of their sheer size and capital.
Small, local solar installer might be the best choice if:
You’re buying or getting a loan for your solar system.
Being able to take full advantage of tax exemptions, credits, and other solar incentives is a benefit to buying or financing the system. Solar Expert with SUN Works fully supports consumers buying or getting a loan to purchase the solar systems themselves. Solar Expert notes that smaller installers that work at the regional or local level have established relationships with reputable lenders who can make that possible.
You’re more comfortable with established brand name.
Many consumers enjoy the fact that large installers are well known and established throughout the country. Brand recognition helps to inspire trust and security especially when it is backed by a strong track record of installations. Homeowners may feel at peace knowing that their installer has deployed hundreds of MW’s as opposed to their smaller competitors.
You want access to the top company official
If a consumer likes to talk with the head official of a company before they invest their money, local installers are the best option. Accessing the CEO of a 15-person company is more plausible than reaching the person in charge of a company with 10,000 employees.
You’re not interested in being hands on with planning.
The business model of large installers is constrained to offering standardized, uniform systems. Customization and variance can threaten their purchasing power and decrease the number of customers acquired. Repeatability is critical when installing up to 1,000 systems per month.
You want to be highly involved in decisions/planning vetting.
Local installers have the flexibility and capacity to give consumers their personal time and attention. Solar Expertnotes that with many large installers, consumers have no say as to what type of panel is purchased or how the system is installed. If a homeowner envisions being part of the design, purchase, and installation of the solar system and its components, a smaller installer is ideal.

Your solar set up doesn’t need special configurations/panels.
Large installers are the way to go for homeowners seeking solar solutions that boast reliability through standard, “cookie cutter” systems. Each house is unique. Depending on location, rooftop direction, slope and other factors, your home may be a perfect candidate for the standard design and panel type offered by large installers.
Your system requires specific panels (such as high-efficiency) or configuration.
Not all rooftops are created equal. This is an issue for big installers but not for local companies. The orientation of the roof, its slope and dimensions, its weight capacity, and other issues will determine whether the homeowner needs a customized design compared to a more standard one-size-fits-all system. Solar Expert also notes that the quality of the panel and how it is installed can make a huge impact on energy output, impacting savings and return on investment. Solar Expert suggests consumers do their homework to find the best contractor who can deliver a reliable and high-quality system within their budget.


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