How to calculate the amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) your solar panel system will produce

How to calculate the amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) your solar panel system will produce

by Ranveer yadav

Interested to know how many kilowatt hours (kWh) your new solar panel system will kick out per year? It’s pretty simple to come up with a ballpark number. All you gotta do is look at the map below, which is labeled with an estimate of the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) you can generate with one kilowatt (kW) of solar panels in every part of the India.
If you haven’t gotten solar yet and you want to skip the ballpark estimates and have a professional use their high-tech software to give you an more exact estimate, connect with one of our trusted solar installer partners today.
If you’re ready for the ballpark, multiply the size of your system in kW by the number that is written in the shaded region where you live in the map below. Then multiply the result by 78%, to account for losses due to wiring and conversion from DC to AC power. Simple!

For example, let’s say you live Delhi and are thinking about installing a 5-kW solar system. Most Delhi live in the North India, which is located in the shaded region labeled “2000”
Take that 2000 and multiply by the 5 kilowatts of your system size to get 10,000 kWh. Multiply that by .78 to get 7,800 kWh, which is a good estimate of how much electricity your 5-kW system will produce in a year.

How much money can you save with solar panels?

Ah, here’s the tricky part. Electricity costs different amounts depending on your utility company. To make it more complicated, some utility companies charge a flat fee for electricity, while some charge different prices based on the time of day or season.
Let’s look at a simple example, using the data from above. People in Delhi get their electricity from Electricity department , which currently offers a flat-rate of INR5.5/kWh for home customers.
Take the 7,800 solar kWh from the last step and multiply it by INR5.5/kWh, and you end up with INR42900 of savings per year. Pretty good!
You could further divide that INR42900 into 12 equal amounts to see that you’ll save an average of INR3575 per month. Note, that’s just an average, because solar panels don’t make the same amount of electricity all year round.
Unless you live at the equator, the angle of the sun in the sky changes based on the time of year. It’s low in the winter and high in the summer. Changes to weather patterns also affect how much sun your panels will get, though maybe not as much in the desert of Western India as in the Delhi.

How to estimate your own solar savings

Every state offers different electricity prices and incentives, and every roof is different, too. If you’re ready to bypass the guessing game using estimated numbers, get an actual solar quote for your home from trusted professional installers.

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By: Mr. Ranveer Yadav
M.Sc.( Renewable Energy )                         
Lucknow University

Email ID:


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